Andrew Dawdychak

ESM violin and fiddle faculty

  • Bachelor of Music (Violin), Humber College

Andrew Dawydchak has demonstrated a passion for performing and commitment for teaching that surpasses his young years. Andrew has currently completed his third year at Humber College in the Music Degree Program (Violin).

Andrew has shown how his classical training as a Suzuki student can intertwine with folk, fiddle, country, Celtic and jazz music. He has studied with Margot Jewell and is currently studying with Drew Jurecka.

Andrew teaches violin and fiddle at Etobicoke Suzuki Music and has worked with other Suzuki schools in Oakville and Halifax.

Andrew is no stranger to the stage. He is the Canadian Open Junior Fiddle Champion for 2015 and winner of many top honour fiddle awards since 2005 including the Ontario Open, Southwestern Open, Northern Ontario Open and Maritimes. He performs regularly with his band (DnA-Diana & Andrew) as well with many other musicians and bands.

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